• Who Tells Your Story?

    Please write about two key lessons that you have learned this semester: one that you learned during this class, generally, and one that you learned during this project, specifically. Please be thorough in your examples and details as possible. (You will likely need two paragraphs, one for each, to answer this question.)

  • How Do You Write Like You’re Running Out of Time?

    Weeks 12: Use this final entry to reflect on anything about the course content that you would like to address (but that has not directly been asked/invited in a prompt). If you have do not have a specific topic, please return to “The Mindful Traveler” and critique it based on your experience traveling. Be sure to cite specific ideas (and use parenthetical citations to designate the page number on which the ideas appear) in your response.

  • Look At Where We Started

    Week 11: Thinking back to (and looking back at, if you kept it), the personal identity map that you made at the beginning of the semester, please write about how our travel (and/or course material) this semester might change your map if you made a new one at this point and/or how it might confirm aspects of your map that you included in January. Please give specific examples. If no change, please address the reasons.

  • Look Around, Look Around…

    Week 10: Can you identify one cultural norm/behavior that you observed in New York that was new to you? How did you respond to it? Would you respond the same way now?

  • I’ve Travelled the Wide, Wide World

    Week 9: Name and describe at least one aspect of globalization that you witnessed on our trip. What are some positive things about globalization that you witnessed? What are some negative things?

  • Mr. Jefferson Welcome Home

    Week 8: Considering the common discussion on Tuesday and the in-class discussion today, write about one thing that you confirmed about what you learned from being in New York AND one experience/perspectives shared by one of your peers (in another class or in ours) that is different than your learning experience. Be sure to articulate the “so what” of your ideas - why is the first (yours) significant for you and why the second (from your peer) is noteworthy to you.

  • Don’t Stop ‘Til You Agree

    Week 7: Complete your learning contract and email it to Katherine at your earliest opportunity! Write a reflection log entry about the process of creating the contract.

  • Pick Up A Pen, Start Writing

    Reflection Log 4: Choose one of the buildings/ works of art we looked at in class and one reading and discuss them in relation to one another in a meaningful way.
