It's Time

Trusting God’s Timing

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11

Key Verse: Acts 1:7

The internet allows us to have the answer to so many questions. We can figure out where the best restaurants are located. We can self-diagnose with medical sites. We can even know the temperature in another country. However, the internet cannot tell us one thing– when our next blessing is coming. It cannot tell us how to get through our specific trial. And, it cannot tell us when Jesus is coming back. For these and many other situations, we have to trust God’s timing. The Bible tells us that He is all-powerful and all-knowing. And, as much as it may test our faith, we have to believe that He has everything under control. 

When Jesus appeared to His people after the resurrection, He spoke about heaven and gave them specific instructions on what to do (v.1-5). However, they were not concerned about those instructions they wanted to know when their blessing was coming (v.6). It is truly amazing how selfish we can be as humans sometimes. God will often give us a clear task to complete and the only thing we can focus on is our gain in the end. Instead of just saying “okay God,” we want to know when our situation will be handled. I know that there have been several moments in my own life when I heard God give me clear directions on my next move, but, because the trial in front of me had consumed my mind, I couldn’t help but ask “why?’ In some cases, I would try to bargain with God and say, “God if you get me out of this situation, then I will do what you have asked me to do.” However, God wants us to be obedient and just follow directions. 

God has set times for us to be blessed by His own authority (v.7). All the money and power on earth does not compare to the authority and dominion of God. He does what is best for us at all times. Unsurprisingly, it is usually in our obedience that our deliverance or blessing shows up. We have to be willing to let God have His way in our lives. Whether we realize it or not God’s will is going to be done even if we are not a part of it because He can always find another willing vessel to help in His mission, but He wants to use you. It benefits us to be on God’s side because the fight is already fixed for us to win. I realize that it may be difficult to just follow the voice of God because He is not here in the flesh. Nevertheless,  His word assures us that He is coming back (v.11). We should be excited and ready for His return even though we don’t know when it will be. 

In the meantime, we have to walk in our purpose and wait on our blessing. It’s sort of like a planned pregnancy. God has put a purpose in us, and the world keeps giving us due dates. Some of us may even feel like our purpose is long overdue. Nevertheless, we still prepare. We create space (get rid of things that will harm our purpose) and get others excited (share our testimony) for what is to come. Then when it is born, it will add to our lives, and we won’t be able to take credit for it because it will all have been done on God’s time. God wants you to trust His timing. He knows that you have felt trapped in this season for a long time, but your obedience is still required. He is still here for you. He has planted something in you that not even you will be ready for. Trust him today. Prayer: Lord, thank you for planning my life out for me. Thank you for blessing me and giving me purpose. Help me to be obedient. Help me to not question your timing for things in my life. I know that you have a plan for me. Help me to align myself with your will and be okay with what it says for my life. Lord, I thank you and praise you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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