Jesus Made it Plain

Trust God’s Process

Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30

Key Verse: Matthew 13:30a 

As this year comes to a close, I asked God to give me one final word for His people. I wanted a word that will carry them into the new year feeling stronger than ever before because if I’m being honest, what I planned to release on today felt rushed. God had given it to me, but something about it wasn’t right. So, I went back to the drawing board and prayed again for understanding as I always do, and the Lord led me to a passage that I hadn’t read in a while. It is a parable that Jesus used to make clear for people the paths to heaven and hell, but today God wants me to use His words to tell you to trust His process. 

The first thing you have to do while trusting God’s process is to plant some seeds (v.24). You have to align yourself with the will of God and begin to walk in it. I want to be very transparent with you all and say that the year 2019 was not easy for me. I hit an extremely low point where I couldn’t sleep and had to force myself to eat. I felt like the entire world was out to get me because the people I wanted in my life the most no longer had a desire to be there. You see, I felt like the farmer. I was planting a lot of good seeds early in 2019. I started this series. I began to take my spiritual health more seriously by reading my bible more often, getting involved in religious activities, and surrounding myself with a strong Christian community. I tried to mend broken relationships. I went after the dreams that God spoke to me. I thought that I had checked every box on the list that God had handed me. But, as shown in the parable, that wasn’t enough to protect me from the realities of this world. 

Beyond planting seeds you have to look to God to guard the things that you began according to His will because as humans we all have flaws (v.25). While I was checking all the boxes during the summer, I hit a low. It was as if all the preparation that got me to that point had gone out the window. I lost one of my aunts and my oldest sister within a week of each other. I was in another state away from family and many of the people who I considered to be my friends were too busy to comfort me in the way that I wanted to be comforted. So even though I had gotten an internship in my field, something I never dreamed possible, I was hurting. It feels strange to even put this on paper, but I was watching my hurt and joy try to compete for my attention every day (v.26). These feelings are real. You do not have to ignore them. Sometimes friends no matter what you do life will happen. This isn’t God punishing you, but He is testing your faith. He knows that the weeds and grain will try to grow together. Trust me I wanted to quit. I wanted to tell God that I was done and that I should just join my aunt and sister in heaven. I felt like he had left me and that He didn’t see me growing weary of faking a smile at work only to come home and cry myself to sleep at night. Even once I returned to school in the fall, I felt empty because I still hadn’t processed the events that had occurred only weeks prior. This is when real faith has to kick in. 

Once you look to God to guard your plans you won’t be as distracted by the words of people who don’t understand spiritual warfare (v.27). You see, when I returned to school, people were commending me on my role as class president and all of my works and were confused about why my energy seemed so different. They wanted to know where that energy came from. I didn’t realize it then, but I am glad I realize it now, but that was only the enemy. He couldn’t stand how much time and energy I was giving to God. You have to redirect that frustration and sadness the same way the farmer did so that God can get the glory. 

Today friends, I want you to realize that 2019 may have been rough. It may have thrown punches at you even though you thought you were planting good seeds, but don’t pull up those weeds. Those weeds of depression, heartbreak, anxiety, and disappointment are a part of a greater testimony that God wants to use to get the ultimate glory (v.29). If you never had those experiences, you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Pulling out the weeds and forgetting those experiences may seem like the best option right now because those memories are hovering over you like a dark cloud and really weighing you down. However, God wants to be the one to sort through the mess (v.30). He wants you to come to Him as you are because it says in His word that His strength is made perfect in weakness. So the moment that we quit pretending to be strong and acting like we can figure it out on our own, God can do His job and heal us all around. In fact, He even gave us help on Earth like therapists and counselors to help us process through the weeds. Friends that sounds like great news to me. So before we end 2019, can you commit to continuing to plant good seeds in 2020 no matter what weeds sprout up along the way? Can you commit to giving God your all? Can you let Him see the full you and harvest out the good from the bad? He loves you. Will you trust His process today? 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this year. Lord thank you for your grace and your mercy that allows me to even pray to you today. Lord, I admit that I am broken and there are weeds trying to ruin the good seeds that were planted this year. Lord, I don’t want these weeds to ruin my ability to serve you wholeheartedly. Help me to use that as part of my testimony to draw more people to you. Forgive me for my sins. Help me to leave those actions and words in the past. I love you God and you are worthy of the praise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

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