It's Time

Time on Earth

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

Key Verse: Matthew 28:19

When Jesus rose from the grave, he gave the disciples very clear instructions on what they should be doing. Since we are the disciples of today, we should be following these guidelines as well. I know most of us have been trying to figure out what our purpose is on this Earth for a while now. We’ve been in and out of college, changed jobs, had our hearts broken then found love, bought homes and cars, and even gotten the chance to travel to new destinations. Unsurprisingly, none of these things made us feel like we were walking in our purpose. Well today God has sent me to you to tell you to stop overthinking your purpose during your time on Earth

One of the first things you should be doing during your time on Earth is following God’s directions (v.16). I know it sounds simple, but many of us have not yet done this. So, we constantly feel like we are lost or are not where we should be in life. God has told us where we are supposed to be, but, because we don’t like that area of town or a person that works at that establishment, we avoid it like the plague. Well, it’s time to stop avoiding that place and it is time to just go so that you can be in a position to be blessed. 

The next thing you should be doing while you are on Earth is worshipping God (v.17). This is another simple action. We should make worship a priority. Worship is not just singing a song or saying scripture that you have committed to memory. Nor is it your offering or your service at your place of worship. While these are all great things to do, worship is loving God so much that you submit yourself to Him and allow Him to guide every aspect of your life. It means crying out to Him and remembering that your human deeds cannot compare to His almighty power. 

Once you have completed these two actions, then you can go make more disciples. We cannot encourage others to honor God’s authority until we honor God’s authority in our own lives (v.18). How would it look if someone told you to follow Christ, a sinless person, and all you do is engage in sinful activities? It would be hypocritical, and it is part of the reason that many people today avoid the church. This does not mean that you must be perfect to make disciples, but it does mean that you must be willing to be obedient and submit those imperfections to God during worship. Through your obedience, God will be able to use you as a willing vessel. 

Now that you have your task, you must understand what it means to make disciples. The first step is baptism (v.19). Baptism is an outward expression of what God has done inside of you. This is why you often see people rededicate their lives through baptism when they’ve been away from the church for a while. It is a way of showing those around you that the old sinful life has been washed away and you are now a new creature. After baptism, you teach them all of God’s commands. Yes, you! Your reading of this devotion now means that you have good news that you can share. Besides, you aren’t going to be doing it alone. God is with you (v.20). It goes back to step one of how to spend your time on Earth…follow God’s directions. God wants you to help others gain a relationship with Him because He does not find joy in seeing people perish. In fact, the angels rejoice over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10). 

So, do not be discouraged if you aren’t where you thought you would be on Earth. God has given you clear instructions, and, as long as you are obedient to His way, you will reap your reward in heaven.

Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you. Thank you for taking the time to leave me instructions after you rose from the grave. Thank you for giving me a purpose. Help me to follow your directions, worship you, and make disciples. Use me for your glory Lord. I love you and praise you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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