Let "It" Go

Let Toxic Relationships Go

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:30-34

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33

It is a well-known fact that humans are extremely social beings. As a result, even in our technology driven society, there are many relationships in our lives that exist only through a screen and involve no in-person contact. Some people have had the same best friend since grade school, while others didn’t find their true friend group until they went to college or changed jobs. 

A solid relationship, whether platonic or romantic, can change your entire worldview. But what do you do when the relationship is toxic? What happens when you are constantly engaging in activities that don’t quite interest you just so the other person can be happy? What happens when the only communication that happens between you is gossip? What happens when God does not reside in the foundation of every relationship? Simply stated, what happens when the relationship becomes toxic? 

God wants us to be careful with becoming too comfortable. Oftentimes,  when we grow extremely comfortable, we start accepting things that we don’t always agree with especially when there has been a lot of time invested. We become okay with people ignoring us for long periods of time. We become okay with suffering in silence. We become okay with endangering our lives for the sake of keeping the other person around. I myself am guilty of sometimes letting the people I care about most get away with hurting my feelings out of fear of losing the relationship. Well, this is wrong for several reasons, but the fact that my inability to speak up for myself is rooted in fear is unacceptable. Jesus defeated fear when He rose from the grave, which means I already have the victory. And, because of that victory, I have the right to express how I feel in love and then let God handle the rest. If this is true, then why do we behave otherwise and what are the consequences?

The reason we behave otherwise is because our character has been corrupted by previous relationships, so we have put up a guard to try to protect ourselves (v.33). I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we can’t protect ourselves from something that has already taken root in us. We have to be willing to let God in to remove this hatred and hurt so that we can have a new start. Then we have to allow God to work in those relationships or remove us from them completely. We cannot continue to hold on to things that are so toxic that they are taking away from the work that God is doing. God wants us to get it together (v.34). We have to stop lying (sinning) and pretending that everything is okay, in these toxic relationships,when we know that God didn’t ordain them in the first place. He is going to place the people in your life that you need. So, you don’t have to hold on to relationships that are constantly attacking your happiness. 

Jesus loves you. He wants to give you a joy that no earthly relationship can compensate for. Let Him take control and fill that void in your life. Allow Him to comfort you as you let go of the toxic relationships. You will not regret it.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being a friend when I felt alone. Lord, please help me to identify toxic relationships in my life and remove myself from them. Lord, I realize that this is not a battle that I can fight on my own. Please give me peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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