Let "It" Go

Let Control Go

Scripture: Romans 8:18-30

Key Verse: Romans 8:28

As we grow older and experience different trials and tribulations, it may feel like our world is spinning out of control. Some of us may be experiencing huge life changes within our finances, relationships, educational endeavors, or even job pursuits. However, today God has sent me to tell you to let go of the reins. He has everything under control. All you have to do is love and trust Him with your whole heart.

It is so easy to get caught up in the problems that we are currently facing (v.18). I mean losing your job and still having bills due is not an easy problem to ignore. Losing a long-term friend because of a disagreement or even death can also be a tough pill to swallow. Maybe you have been looking for a job for a long time, and it seems like denial is around every corner. However, God is working on something greater for us. It is just not ready to be revealed yet. Because we live in a world that was infiltrated by sin, not only do we have to be okay with dealing with the trials and tribulations, but we have to be patient during the storm (v.20). The feelings that we have about our troubles are not new. People have been dealing with frustrations caused by sin since it was introduced. The blessing is that God is going to bring freedom to us because we are His children (v.21). 

The key is patience (v.25). We can’t get frustrated and quit on the plan that God has for our lives. He is working so many things out behind the scenes that we honestly just aren’t ready for right now. We can’t stop every bad thing from coming our way because then we would have no reason to trust God. His Spirit is here to help us (v.26). When we get so caught up in the moment and try to figure things out on our own, we often turn our backs on God. However, in order for God to get the glory out of every situation, He has to make a way when there seems like there is no way. 

It may seem unfair because we want things to happen on our own timelines. We have this idea of the way our lives should go, and we get upset when we haven’t accomplished certain goals by a particular age. It is not a coincidence that you are at this particular spot in life right now. Verse 28 says that “all things work together for the good of those who love God.” It didn’t say some things work together for your good. It said all. So, this means that every bad or good thing you have ever faced is going to work out for your good. It also said that those things work together for your good, which means they had to happen in that order so that your future blessing could take place. It also means that there is no such thing as a coincidence because with God everything is always intentional. 

God has called us to serve a purpose on this earth, and we won’t be able to serve that purpose without going through situations to strengthen our testimony. We should be striving to conform to the image of Jesus everyday regardless of what we are facing (v.29). It is easier to conform to this image when we release control of lives to God and follow His directions. His plans are flawless even though we have flaws. He will work everything out so that it falls into place perfectly (v.30). And in the end, no one but God will be able to get the credit. You have to let go of control. You cannot get through this alone. Allow God to help you succeed. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your grace. Thank you for allowing me to face all of the trials and tribulations in my life so that my testimony can grow. Lord help me to become more like you. Help me to respect the timeline you have for my success. I am letting go of control today. Please direct my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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