Jesus Made it Plain

What Are You Building On?

Scripture: Luke 6:46-49
Key Verse: Luke 6:48

Rumors suck. I mean if you really think about it hearing something about a subject, a person, or a particular group of people can ruin your entire perception of them. So many people have turned away from the Christian faith without trying it for themselves because they heard of someone else’s bad experience. Well, today I want to challenge you to check your foundation. So many people get caught up in the rules and procedures of the religion and miss the most important part— the relationship. Are you currently building on top of rumors or do you really know Christ for yourself?
It is a very common trend to see people requesting prayer or calling out to God when things go wrong. However, on a normal day to day basis those same people don’t stop to thank God for the air they are breathing or try to align themselves with His will for their life (v.46). God is not a toy. You should not just pick Him up when it feels convenient or to follow a trend. He wants to know you. He wants to mend the broken pieces of your life. Understand that there are people on this Earth who claim to love God and do all manners of evil in His name. They do not have the solid foundation that you are reading about right now. Those people who cast you away as an individual because of sins you engaged in are not God. They do not have a heaven or hell to put you in. They need to evaluate their foundation.
The first type of foundation in this passage is the solid foundation. The first man dug down deep before laying his foundation on the rock (v.48). We must be willing as followers of Christ to dig down deep inside of our hearts and really push past all of the surface level frustrations we may be feeling. We cannot base our faith and our love for Christ on how we are feeling because feelings are inconsistent. We have to dig down and find the solid part. The solid part is constructed when we create intentional time in our lives for God through reading His word and praying. While these devotions are great, it is not enough to read these once a week and go to church on Sunday and not interact with God any more than that. While Christianity is the religion, Christ desires relationship.
The second type of foundation is the weak foundation where the man started building a house without setting a platform to build upon (v. 49). This is the same as paying more attention to what popular culture says about how you live your life instead of consulting God first and applying the word of God. There are even times where you critique the religion without consulting the bible to see if it has been twisted to fit a particular audience. People with weak foundations don’t dig deep, which is why the collapse every time a trial comes their way. They have nothing to support what they have built.
God wants you to have a solid foundation. He doesn’t want to try to build your relationship upon rumors. He wants you to consult His word. He wants you to talk with Him in prayer. He wants you to develop a sincere relationship that can’t be swayed by the things of this world. So as you go through the rest of your week, ask yourself what are you building on?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to begin establishing a foundation in our relationship. Thank you for helping me to make it this far even when I didn’t acknowledge your presence. I love you, Lord. I want to move past the aspects of religion and work on the relationship. Help me to dig deep and make room for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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