Jesus Made it Plain

It’s Okay to Come Back

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Key Verse: Luke 15:24

Sometimes in life, we need to take a break. We find ourselves overwhelmed by our commitments and relationships, and we just need a break. For some people that break may involve an expensive vacation. For others, it may involve going for a walk in the park. Recently, for me, it meant I had to stop writing and just start listening. I was becoming so consumed by deadlines and my priorities that I forgot why I started P.O.P in the first place. I forgot that this devotional series was supposed to intentionally intensify my personal time with God.
I was so focused on filling other people that I found myself drained and consequently pouring out of an empty cup. I have never felt more connected to the parable of the Lost Son than in this season of my life. While I didn’t run away from my heavenly Father, I was running from the purpose He placed on my life. Consider me a living testimony that it’s ok to come back.
The first thing we must recognize in this parable is that the younger son recognized that He needed a break (v.12). Some of us are still in denial that a break is needed in this season of our life. Even if things are going really well in this season in our life, we may have lost sight of what God wants us to be doing. One of the errors in this parable is that the son did not consult his father or his brother or the servants in his home about his decision. Before you just run off screaming, “I need a break,” consider consulting a spiritual advisor and truly praying to God about what you are dealing with. He will give you clear signs about what your next move will be.
Maybe you are already halfway to the Bahamas. Well it’s probably time for you to come to your senses (v.17). Think about what you ran away from. Did leaving help the situation or make the situation worse. What did you hope to accomplish with this break? Did your plan align with God’s plan for your life? If not, then it’s time for you to return to your Father and apologize (v.18).
We should not just take a break because it sounds nice, but our decisions should be intentional and align with God’s plan. God doesn’t want you out in the world struggling and depressed. He wants to take care of you, but you have to let Him be everything you need. You have to unlock the vulnerable places in your life, and allow Him to enter in.
So, your break is over. Now what? GO HOME (v.20)! God is waiting for you with open arms. He wants to clothe you in His love (v.22). He wants you to become full off of His word (v.23). He wants to celebrate your renewal (v.24). But you must understand that, while God is celebrating, there will be people questioning your journey (v.28-30).
We cannot get caught up in the naysayers. Some of them will be people who are closest to you. Nonetheless, they are irrelevant. We can only focus on the future and use what God has delivered us from as part of our testimony. Who cares if you took a break? It’s in the past. The important thing is that you realized that it was ok to come back.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for approving my break and for embracing me upon my return. I thank you for a clear mind and open heart towards your Word. I thank you for your peace that is currently covering my life. Please forgive me for not always consulting you. I want to live better for you and use my past mistakes as part of my testimony. I am ready to come home. I love you Lord and I am excited about what you are doing in my life. Have your way, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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