Month: October 2019

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Oskar’s Expedition and My Journey in New York

Movies can affect how the audience understands a place. Visiting places might also motivate some travelers to watch a particular movie in order to understand more about the destination. In my case, watching Stephen Daldry’s film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which was released on December 25 in 2015, provided me with an opportunity to…
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Teamwork is an integral learning component of my Physics 203 class. In just three months, I have learned how to be a responsible team member, how to help a group become more effective based on feedback and how to formulate constructive feedback for other team members to improve. Reflecting on my experience as a member…
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To Learn and To Lead

With the goal of becoming a liberally educated leader who reads, understands and writes effectively, I have grown and learned more than what I thought possible through my Leadership 101 course. This class not only helped me better understand and practice different leadership skills but also improve my writing. I have learned here how to…
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