Letterforms in Illustrator

It’s been a while since I last posted, but I should talk about what I worked on before spring break! Our assignment was essentially to invent a new letter of the alphabet, and then render it in Helvetica and Baskerville using Adobe Illustrator. Here are mine. I like how they ended up with regards to blending in with the rest of the alphabet, but I think I could tweak the capital form a little bit. …

Working in Illustrator- Progress Post

I’m new to vector programs in general, so working with Illustrator has been interesting. There’s definitely a wider range of things possible than I had expected, but it’s still weird how different everything is from photoshop. Case in point, this pattern I tried making earlier. I’m satisfied with how it looks in Illustrator, but when I export things containing it you can see the seams where it repeats, so I’ll need to figure out how …

Monster Party

Here’s my final image! I like how this turned out for the most part, although I may go back and make the frame more realistic, I can’t decide. I may also add reflections to make the screen look more like glass, but I can’t decide how to go about that. I drew the monsters in from scratch, and the frame is a modified version of oneI created using “render frame” (Filter>Render>Picture Frame…), but the original images for the background and the sludge textures are under the cut.

Continue reading“Monster Party”

combining images: progress post

I’ve been working on this photo of the observatory telescope room for a while. I think I’ve added all the monsters I’d like to add, as well as their shadows, but everything still needs texturing. I may also add some noise and a timestamp to make the picture look like it’s from a CCTV camera.

Update on My Organizational Process

I know I said earlier that I’d get better about naming my layers, but I still forget to do it about half the time. Anyway, here’s some screencaps of one of the times I did remember. With thumbnails enabled, it’s still easy for me to tell what’s going on in each layer without looking at the names, but the names definitely come in handy if I want to disable the thumbnails to have a more compact …

Pen Pressure in Photoshop

I’ve never had the time to figure out the brush engine in Photoshop until now, and after messing around for a while I’ve decided I’m ok with it. I do still prefer Krita for this kind of thing, but now I can at least modify photoshop brushes in ways relating to pen pressure, and change the brush angle. If you want to mess around with brushes yourself, you can find the settings in the brush …

Circles: Control Panel

Here’s the first of three images I made for this assignment. It’s a combination of a ceiling mounted projector screen and the floor. The small circular ports were kind of a pain to select, even with the various refine edge tools. I just found out about the “select similar” operation today, though, so if I do something like this in the future I’ll try using that. I put the original images under the cut, for …

My Organizational Process

I’ve been working on more circles for the project, and it made me realize something: I’m really disorganized when it comes to layers. I never name any of them. If I’m working with under 10 layers this isn’t usually a problem, but it would probably save me a lot of time if I made the effort to name layers in more complex projects. Here’s an example of what I mean. This is actually better than …