Understanding Faith

How to Grow in Faith

Scripture: Romans 10:13-18

Key Verse: Romans 10:17

When we see an oak tree out in nature, we don’t often question how it came to be. We don’t think about how a seed had to be buried, watered, and cared for. We don’t think about the time it took for it to grow. And, we definitely don’t think about the storms that it battled to stay rooted. The same thing can be applied to faith. When we see a confident Christian figure, we don’t question how they got there. We don’t think about how they came to know about Christ. We don’t think about the time it took for them to accept Christ. And, we definitely don’t think about all of the persecution that came their way during the journey. As Christians, growing in faith is essential to our walk on earth. Unfortunately, there are many of us who don’t know what it takes to grow in faith even if we know what faith is.

In Romans chapter 10, we learn that the best way to grow in faith is to listen to the word of God (v.17). Some people confuse that verse to mean that the only way you can grow in faith is to go to church. While church is important because we all need Godly community to hold us accountable for what we read in the word, there are many churches today who are reading from the Apostolic Self Translation. They are making up interpretations to fit their needs and beliefs and corrupting others along the way. So, it is important that if we want to grow in faith that we study Gods word on our own. If you go to church, bring your bible and read along with the preacher don’t just take what they are saying as the undeniable truth. As humans we make mistakes, but God’s word has no flaws. Maybe you don’t enjoy going to the church building, but God shows numerous times in the bible that the church is not the building, but the people. Find other people to talk about God’s word with. Partake in activities that are feeding your spirit. That can be anything from watching a sermon on YouTube to streaming gospel music through a music platform. Then work your way up to entering into the physical church to have your spirit fed. Figure out what works for you, but you have to care for the seed once it has been planted. I know there are some of you reading this questioning whether or not the seed has even been planted. Well if you have made it to this point in the series, let me assure you that it has, and it is already beginning to take root. It is now up to you to figure out how to water and care for it so that your faith can grow.

Moreover, you must understand that growing in faith takes time. You may have to visit a few churches or listen to multiple artists before you find what speaks to you. The important thing is that you don’t give up or walk away when things get hard. You have to start early trusting God that He is going to send you where you need to go and what you need to have to be successful. So, maybe you haven’t been to church in a while because someone judged you or said something that bothered you. This is where faith kicks in pray about it and believe that God will find you a church home. There are churches all over the world (v.18). Some are super formal, and others are really casual. Some are really big, and others are really small. Some are loud, and others are quiet. It’s like shopping for new shoes, even if they all look the same, you have to find the one that fits best.  

God wants you to grow in faith. He knows that you have a burning desire to get closer to Him, and today He is reaching out to you and telling you to come home. He wants to surround you with people who care about you and love you. He wants to help you care for the seed. He wants to protect you from the storms. You have to make the next move.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for helping me grow in faith. Lord please allow me to find a way to hear your word. Help me to study your word closely and find community that will hold me accountable. Lord, I thank you for where I am right now in this journey. I cannot wait to see where you take me next. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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