Smile Through It

Smile Through Unforgiveness

Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17

Key Verse: Colossians 3:13

People in this world can do and say some really mean things. If we think about it, there have been times where we have done something that has hurt someone even if it wasn’t always intentional. As Christians, we must remember to not hold grudges against people.

We must first understand that God has chosen us to represent Him and everything He stands for on Earth. This means that we cannot just go about our day to day life acting crazy. There are many people that don’t have a relationship with Christ. So, His love should be the motivation for us to lead people to salvation. The same way we put on clothes to prepare for each day there are certain characteristics we should put in our mind every day to ensure that we are properly representing Christ (v.12).   

One of the major things we must remind ourselves to do is forgive other people. I know it is really hard, but there are benefits. When you forgive someone, you allow yourself to release mental attachment. Do you realize how much energy it takes to hold a grudge against someone? Literally everything they do annoys you. They could cough and you would have something to say. They could be doing well in life and it could ruin your day. The grudge allows them to have control over your mind. If they are controlling your mind, you begin to harvest hatred in your heart. The hatred in your heart then distracts you from fully worshipping God because after all you are supposed to have God’s word written on the tablet of your heart. How would you feel if God held a grudge against you and didn’t allow you to grow as an individual? We all make mistakes and some of them hurt more than others, but the important thing is to not freeze people in time.

It is easier to forgive someone and be a good representative for Christ if you ground yourself in love (v.14). I realize that I make this sound easy, but it takes time because you have to make it a habit. Instead of never speaking to the person who said you wouldn’t make it far in life when you were both in ninth grade, try reaching out to see how they are doing. Ask about their wellbeing. Understand that the reason the person might not have contacted you when you had a death in your family might have been because they were going through something themselves. I think we often forget that the people we choose not to forgive are human too. We must be willing to show them grace and be peacemakers instead of adding more fuel to the fire (v.15). Saying nothing to someone is just as bad as saying something worse because we are not addressing the root of the issue, which then adds to it. I know that personally my mind always goes to the worst-case scenario. So, I would rather be hurt by the confrontation and have clear closure and boundaries than continue walking around on eggshells waiting for the person to snap. Nonetheless, as Christians, we have to pray for everyone and encourage others by offering kind words (v.16). If you don’t know how try reading God’s word and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit for direction. We have complete access to God’s infinite power as His children, and we should be grateful for the power because that means all of these “battles” on Earth have already been won (v.17). He wants to help us grow and be more like Him, which includes overcoming this spirit of unforgiveness. The question is: “Who do you need to forgive today?”

Prayer: Lord I want to thank you for reminding me of the characteristics I should be displaying to live more like you. Thank you for forgiving me when I sinned or was outside of your will for my life. Please allow me to forgive those who have hurt me. Give me the courage to reach out to people that I hold grudges in my heart against and make amends. Lord, I love you. I thank you, and I praise you in advance for all that you have done and all that you are getting ready to do in my life. I know that change is coming. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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