Overcoming Your Insecurities

Taking Care of Your Temple

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 6:19

In my life, I think that I have established a pretty standard routine of self-care. I brush my teeth and wash my face every morning and night. I go to the gym every now and then. I try to eat at least one vegetable with every meal. I think most people would say that I am taking great care of my temple. Unfortunately, I don’t feel the same way because there are days every now and then that I can’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. I don’t want people to compliment me, so I do whatever it takes to avoid conversation. It’s kind of ridiculous, but these are great signs that I am not taking care of my temple. These insecurities about my appearance come from the fact that I have so many unaddressed things on the inside of me that I try to overcompensate for that by looking good on the outside. However, God has asked us to honor Him with our bodies. He didn’t say honor Him with our flesh. He wants us to honor Him with everything we are made of. 

When someone gets a new house, one of the first things they usually do before decorating and moving in is clean it up. God purchased His home in us over 2000 years ago when He sent His son to die on the cross, but many of us still haven’t given Him the chance to start the cleanup process so that He can move in. In fact, if we are being completely honest, there are still probably many boxes taking up space in our lives from the last residents who lived there (money, alcohol, relationships, etc.) that need to be tossed out. We are robbing God because He has paid His fee, but we won’t give Him the key to our heart. Just think about it, He is so excited to move in and show off His new home, but we are stopping Him. The question is why? Is it because those boxes make you comfortable? Is it because they are convenient? Is it because they endorse your bad habits? I want you to think about what happens when the boxes catch fire and the only thing that could’ve saved you is your new tenant that owns the extinguisher.

While it is true that God gives us tons of choices on Earth, He hopes that we will ultimately choose Him (v. 12-13). He is the one with the sanitation tools. He wants to come in and clean up His new home, but we must give Him the keys. We cannot continue to store our insecurities inside of a place that we do not own (v.19). I would love it if someone paid themselves to come clean up my room. It sounds wild, but that is what God did. We don’t have to pay a thing for Him to clean up, move in, or put out any fires that may try to come. We just have to give Him the keys. Once He has access, He will throw away those boxes and you will be able to look in the mirror and at other people with confidence. Please understand that clean up and move in does not happen in a day because it is a process that takes time. Even once He moves in, there may be moments where He needs to redecorate. God has the power to restore us and make us new, and this process begins in the temple (v.14). A house can look really beautiful on the outside and still be falling apart internally. You can repaint (put on makeup), put on a new roof (get your hair cut/ styled), plant a garden in the yard (buy new clothes). But, if there are no floors on the inside (Holy Spirit), can anyone actually move in? The Holy Spirit is ready to move into the Temple. Instead of trying to do all of the construction on your own, let Him move in and help. Continue working on the outside. Continue asking others to respect the temple. But don’t forget to give up the keys.

Prayer: God today I just want to say thank you. Thank you for paying for the temple and for cleaning it up and putting out all the fires. Lord I am ready for you to move out those old boxes. I want to give you the keys. Please take up space in me and show off your new home. I will be careful to give you all the praise, honor, and the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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