Strategic Research 3

My question: How can I make art explicitly about eating disorders can be done in a visually and conceptually engaging way? Why are sexual/BDSM themes steeping into this project? Why are these themes related? These happenings and art pieces also serve a more basic purpose- to make eating more interesting to me and help me recover.

Here is what I have done so far:

  • Dinnertime Happening (link)
  • Water Talk video (link)
  • Donut Game. I handed all of the control over to Maya and Julia, who set up the game. Gracie and I competed blindfolded and hands tied in a slightly more difficult version of this traditional children’s game which we had both played when we were younger. It was out of my comfort zone to give all of the artist control to someone else in an artistic concept that I engineered. I don’t usually buy that many sweets at once, and Gracie said that she liked the game when she was little because she got to eat more donuts that she is normally allowed to. It’s interesting that BDSM themes appeared in this piece, and that donuts have such an element of denial, pain and struggle attached to them for many.
  • Blue Foods- This was a brief sketch I did to make myself more interested in the food I had to eat. Ruby suggested more iterations of this, with more colors.

  • Watched the Amy Winehouse Documentary- She was a Jewish singer with bulimia and a drug addiction. It got me thinking about how we know so many intimate details of singers lives but don’t necessarily know the same about artists.

What I am working on/planning to do:

  • Stomach punch painting and happening
  • Maya Nude painting
  • “Leave You” music video
  • Bob for apples? Or another food.
  • Maya and Julia want to play the donut game.
  • Possibly paint with my mouth and food.
  • And I also wanted to use the darkroom, not sure if I have time for that.

I have been feeling so forceful and full of creative energy which is very exciting. I think it’s because I have not been able to really make conceptual art in a supportive environment since high school and it feels very familiar, yet thrilling in its newness. It feels good to let myself make things without exactly knowing why then figuring the “why” out later. There is always a reason that I am driven to create. I am not sure if I have done exactly 12 hours of this but it feels like a lot and like I am pushing myself. 

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