Loved Portrait Project

Loved Portrait Project

As I was working on my most recent watercolor portrait, I began asking myself why exactly I have continued this process. Last year I decided to paint my friends, for practice and for gifts. The idea of giving someone a portrait as a gift probably originated in my high school art club, where we created portraits of orphans in less developed countries. In my opinion this project showed that the students we created portraits of are important people who deserve art made of them. This mentality has started to leak into my current portraits, which were originally only intended as gifts. Now I think I am making them to show a point- that all of my friends are stunning. They are as important to me and as beautiful as rulers of Ancient Greece and Egypt. Those who I depict either have a great impact on my life or I simply believe they should have art created about them. I want each of the objects of my art to know they are loved and admired. The care in each work is supposed to make up for their lack of realism.

Everyone should have art created about them. My friends deserve monuments, but all I can really do right now is paint.

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