Blind Contour Process Log



We see light, we think labels “chair” “hand” -Prof Ruby

It was all about seeing, not about making. We were tasked with using our hand to draw the outlines our eyes made while we were looking. It was all about the process, although the product was quite interesting. It was strange to see a meaningless scribble on the page, which was vastly different from the detailed sketch in my head. I began to realize that the reality I was witnessing was much more complex than the ideas I held about each object I drew. Reality isn’t perfect in my eyes.

At first I was confused about the contour aspect of vision and was focusing on line. Eventually I began to see the shadows and the shapes they created. It was continuously difficult for me to go slow. Part of who I am is an inability to slow when I am doing things I am passionate about, I rush naturally. When I did attempt to be more deliberate with each line, the product became more like the vision in my head. However, I enjoy the aesthetic of the random chaotic scribbles.

I found myself still thinking “how can I make this look good? I want this to look pretty” at some points throughout the process. I fought that deep seeded teaching by using my left hand. I knew that there was no way to make it perfect with my left hand so the entirety of my focus was on the shapes I was seeing. It was a somewhat difficult process, but quite enjoyable overall. I liked the feeling of letting go.

Here are my “finished drawings”

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