March 26, 2019

I guess I’m becoming a Cinematic Arts major with the amount of movies I’m seeing this semester. Antonia, who is actually majoring in Cinematic Arts, and I saw Instant Family in theaters this afternoon. It was great because during the day on Tuesday the ticket is discounted so I only paid around 3 GBP for the movie.

March 29, 2019

I was interviewed by Dmitry, another international student from the U.S. He has this project that he does back at home that is similar to the Humans of New York franchise except with people around his home university. It is called Humans of Hampshire College. The whole concept behind the project is tremendously interesting and I would recommend looking at other stories. You are telling the stories of the people around you and in this international setting, there is another dimension being added to the story– a sort of reflective element. It was fun to do and it made me want to do something similar at Agnes.

March 31, 2019

There is nothing like hiking around a Mesolithic site and someone’s backyard.

Alaina and I went to visit a Mountsandel aka the Middle Stone Age. To put the age of this site into perspective for non-history people. The Mountsandel was built before farming even began on the island of Ireland and before Stonehenge was built. So yea, it’s pretty old. It remains one of the earliest known settlements in Ireland. It has been excavated and the site was also used in later periods of Irish history. Sadly, none of the pictures could capture just how deep the impression is and how diffult it was to climb along the side of it to get a picture.

Google, of course, made walking to the location a little difficult. Sometimes Google does interesting things when you’re trying to walk somewhere which is why it led us through this opening in a fence inside a neighborhood that led to a field. To give Google some credit, Mountsandel was across the field, however, it was an interesting path. But, it was worth it. Mountsandel was beautiful and I was excited to be walking around such an ancient site.

It wouldn’t be an outing with Alaina if we did not end up ending outside in an impromptu picnic. Sitting on a rock wall in a Lidl parking lot enjoying our snacks from said store gained us the most interesting looks, but a sunny day cannot be wasted.

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