This digital portfolio was designed to provide me with a place to reflect on my experiences during my time at Agnes Scott College, as well as allow me to best showcase the skills I have developed through my coursework, employment opportunities, and internships. By combining a personal biography that tells my story, a curated selection of reflections and artifacts that document my undergraduate experience, and a virtual space in which to host my resume, this portfolio aims to represent who I am, what I’ve learned, and where I’m going ⁠— in a medium uniquely suited for the modern world we live in.

Created during my first semester at Agnes Scott, this portfolio has been with me throughout my entire college journey. What originally functioned as a digital space for personal reflection has since grown over the years, ultimately becoming a polished professional resource designed to represent my strengths and experience to potential employers in a more interactive, creative, and multidimensional manner than a traditional paper resume can provide.

Freshman year Journeys trip with my Global 101 class at Agnes Scott College. We visited the Churchill Northern Studies Centre in Manitoba, Canada.
Group Photo” by Dr. Amy J. Lovell is used with permission.

Regarding the use of images in this portfolio ⁠—

All images used in this portfolio (including the home page header image “Daytona Wall” and the home page footer image “End of Summer 2018“) are either owned by me (Lizzie Apel) and licensed under CC BY NC ND 4.0, or used with express permission from the owner. Images featured in the “References” section of the home page were each personally submitted by their respective subjects for specified use in this portfolio, and are all consequently used with permission from their owners. All individuals portrayed in the images used in this portfolio have given their consent to be depicted on this website. Any collaborative work or group projects featured on this portfolio are shared with the consent of all contributors.
