Practicum Experience Paper 1

Practicum Experience Paper 1

This paper is a reflection of my experience during a Practicum project for REL 210, Religion and Ecology, at Agnes Scott College. For the first part of the Practicum, I participated in a visit to Love is Love Farm (Gaia Gardens) with a few other classmates and the gardener at Agnes Scott College, Lois Swords. The second part of the experience was helping out at a Food Waste Audit. This entire experience expanded my understanding of the food system and allowed me to better understand the process from different perspectives- the beginning and the end- from farm to waste. Experiencing the way that different systems within society work (first-hand) can seem daunting, or unnecessary, however it is something that is important to me. It makes me feel as if I’m a part of the system, and therefore I feel as if I can be part of the solution as well. Continuing to experience the different facets of societal “systems” throughout my life is a goal of mine, which I was able to realize during this practicum experience.